
Daily Dive

We set sail on a daily basis, so if you are a certified diver, just let us know, we will arrange your gear and you are ready to go.

For divers, we offer daily shore dives in Dahab (Egypt). Every day, all year round, we dive at the diving sites around Dahab. We start the day by picking you up from your hotel and take you on the dive center. About 9:00 a.m. our pickups go to one of the diving sites around Dahab area.  We come back to the diving center around 4.00 in the afternoon, depending on the dive site visited. The dive site is chosen by the divemaster or instructor in the morning. The site chosen depends on the level of the divers and planned activities. We always ask customers where they want to go. We dive in small groups, not more than 6 divers to a dive guide. We want you to feel comfortable and safe with us.

Our equipment is changed annually and serviced on a regular basis to a level above required safety standards. You can find all sizes, from children (XXS) to big adult sizes (XXXL).

If you want to dive, please bring your diving certificate. If it has been more than a year since you were last diving, you might want to take a Refresh dive before diving with a group.